The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) established US federal laws for the disposal of wastes. RCRA requires that industrial waste streams and other wastes must be characterized following protocols laid out in SW-846. TCLP is one of these tests. TCLP data is used to determine whether a waste may be accepted into the landfill. If TCLP analytical results are below the TCLP D-list maximum contamination levels (MCLs) the waste can be accepted.
If they are above these levels the waste must be taken to a hazardous waste disposal facility. In addition to TCLP a waste considered hazardous if it exhibits any of the following characteristics: reactivity, corrosivity and ignitability (RCI).
American Testing Technologies, Inc. has the capabilities to analyze and determine if your sample is hazardous or not. TCLP and RCI determination are performed in accordance with EPA SW-846 Method 1311,1010,section 7.3.3 and section 7.3.4 .
TCLP Metals SW 846- 1311/6010C/7470A
TCLP VolatilesSW 846-1311/8260B
TCLP Semi-VolatilesSW 846-1311/8270D
TCLP PesticidesSW 846-1311/8081B
TCLP HerbicidesSW 846-1311/8151A
Flash PointSW 846-1010A
pHSW 846-9045D
Reactive CyanideSW 846-Section7.3.3
Reactive SulfideSW 846-Section 7.3.4
Free LiquidSW 846-9095